People As An Asset
Customers need look no further than J S Wright to find the most highly skilled and motivated workforce in the industry. A healthy mix of youth and experience, coupled with unparalleled personal development training, ensure that our people remain the best in the business.
While gaining their mechanical and electrical engineering qualifications, our young people move through our academy system where they develop leadership, team working and networking skills and are nurtured in our values, processes and procedures.
Our experience programme helps our technical apprentices become fully rounded engineers, gaining experience in all departments to put them on a career path to becoming our leaders of tomorrow.
More than 35% of our workforce are either current or former J S Wright apprentices and Board Directors and three Associate Directors began their careers that way.
All staff benefit from personal development training courses run through the world-leading Dale Carnegie organisation. All operatives hold the Engineering Services SKILLcard which enables them to work on site in Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing services.A number of Engineers and Foreman have completed SMSTS / SSSTS Certifications.
The company also has fully qualified Low Carbon consultants that are expert in advising on all the sustainable aspects of a building project. We also have Engineers trained in CIBSE Heat Networks.
We also have health and safety, prefabrication and aftercare teams, and a new Wright Maintenance division that provides a consumer and commercial building maintenance service across London.
Little wonder that our employees have enjoyed an average of ten years’ service with us, with many serving for more than 25 years and some completing 40 years or more.
Established: 1890
Private Limited Company
Vat No. 463 2448 48
Atlas Building
16 Portland Street
Birmingham B6 5RX
0121 322 4000